Monday, March 10, 2014

Post Op 1

I feel a little more human today!

Even though  my cheeks are still puffy and smile is still frozen, I feel like I turned a corner.  Thank goodness! Because I hit a little wall yesterday.  While I still haven't cried through this whole process, I came close yesterday.  It was the silliest thing that got to me though. I guess it was the straw that broke the camel's back, but, honestly, I was just tired of drinking my food. Enough with the jello and puddings and protein shakes... I wanted to actually chew my food! After a feeble attempt at trying to eat half a PBJ, I welcomed back my protein shake.

Today was my first post op appointment with the surgeon.  I was happy to have a reason to leave the house. I've lived in my pajamas this past week and getting dressed made me feel refreshed.

Pictures from today: You can tell my swelling has gone down some. 

The follow up appointment was pretty quick.  They took an x-ray and Dr. M came right in to see how things are healing. He examined my bite and gums to check the healing.  All good news! Everything is healing nicely, and the stitches in my gums should dissolve over the next couple of days.

Now that I've recovered enough, it is time to actually start turning my expander.  Dr. M did it in the office for today, and I will continue to turn it twice a day.  A lot of people ask if it hurts turning the appliance.  Thank goodness it does not! It just feels like a lot of pressure in my upper jaw. Obviously, this is what is expanding my upper jaw and will result in a growing gap between my front teeth.

We will see how Dr. S likes how things are going tomorrow at my first orthodontist appointment since the surgery.  Annnnnd then again with Dr. M on Friday.  

I was surprised at how much my appointment and a few errands wore me out!  It wasn't long after we got home that I was asleep.

Mom snuck a picture...such a baby face! 

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