Monday, March 3, 2014

T-minus 12 Hours

Eek! Tomorrow is SARPE day!

We are supposed to check in at the hospital at 8:00 in the morning.  That means we need to be up a few hours before then, but I have a feeling that waiting is going to be the worst part! Down time is when the "what if"s get creative.

I've been meaning to post a video for a while, but I never got around to it. Until now!!

 Earlier today I got my Hyrax expander put in at the orthodontist office. I did not miss having appliances in my mouth. If I sound funny in the video, it is because I am not used to talking with something on the roof of my mouth yet. Talking and eating will take some getting used to!  There is a little space between the expander and my palate, and a lot of food like to hang out in that space when I'm eating.

This is a picture of my expander.  It looks a little like some sort of sci-fi drone right now though. If you look in the middle of the expander, you can see a small little hole.  I will use my "key" to turn that as my doctors instruct,, and that is what will widen my jaw over these next few months. 

Just want to brag for a second on my orthodontist office.  They are so sweet! As I was leaving today, they gave me a "surgery bag". It was a bag (lunch cooler) filled with some soft jello, pudding, applesauce, toothbrush, Sudoku book, Vaseline lip care, little scrubbies for hard to reach places, and more!  :) 

I will keep you updated over the next couple of days! Wish me luck! :)  I'll finish this post with some of the last pre-op pictures I have from this weekend. (Congrats Jacqui & Drew!) I think it is a little easier to tell that my bite is off in these pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Step one is behind you and hopefully much of your fear has been put to rest. Rock on girl and keep the smoothies flowing! Great information for other folks looking for similar experiences!
